- crew-served weapon
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English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
Crew-served weapon — A crew served weapon is any weapon system that requires a crew of more than one individual to function at optimum efficiency due to its operational complexity, such as requiring one person to load while another fires. The weight and bulk of the… … Wikipedia
crew-served weapon — grupinis ginklas statusas T sritis apsauga nuo naikinimo priemonių apibrėžtis Ginklas, kurį mūšyje naudoja ir prižiūri grupė (du ir daugiau) žmonių, pvz., artilerijos pabūklo (minosvaidžio) skyrius, tanko įgula ir pan. atitikmenys: angl. crew… … Apsaugos nuo naikinimo priemonių enciklopedinis žodynas
crew-served weapon — noun Military Term (notably ). A weapon which is too heavy for one man to carry, and is as such served by usually 2 4 men. An example of this would be a heavy or , such as the … Wiktionary
XM307 Advanced Crew Served Weapon — The XM307 Advanced Crew Served Weapon (ACSW) is a developmental 25 mm belt fed Grenade Machine Gun with smart shell capability. It is the result of the OCSW or Objective Crew Served Weapon project. It is lightweight and designed to be two man… … Wikipedia
List of crew-served weapons of the U.S. Armed Forces — This list contains weapons that are classified as crew served, as the term is used in the United States military. While the general understanding is that crew served weapons require more than one person to operate them, there are important… … Wikipedia
crew-served — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: crew (II) of a weapon : operated by two or more men … Useful english dictionary
Objective Individual Combat Weapon — Der Small Arms Master Plan (dt. „Übersichtsplan für Kleinwaffen“; abgekürzt SAMP) war ein US amerikanisches Entwicklungsprogramm in den 1990er Jahren, in dem revolutionäre neue Infanteriewaffen für die United States Army erarbeitet werden sollte … Deutsch Wikipedia
Objective Individual Combat Weapon — HK XM29 OICW OICW в разобранном виде: сверху вниз модуль управления огнём, HE модуль, KE модуль; внизу слева направо штык, винтовочный магазин с патроном, ремень и гранатомётный магазин с гранатой Тип: автоматно гранатомётный комплек … Википедия
Common Remotely Operated Weapon System — The Common Remotely Operated Weapon System program, (CROWS or CROWS II) is a remote control weapon system that provides the operator with theability to acquire and engage targets while inside a vehicle, protected by its armor. It isdesigned to… … Wikipedia
M24 Sniper Weapon System — Infobox Weapon name=Rifle, 7.62 mm, Sniper Weapon System, M24 caption=The M24 rifle origin=flag|United States type=Sniper rifle is ranged=yes service= 1988–present used by= See Users wars= First Gulf War, Second Gulf War, War in Afghanistan (2001 … Wikipedia
Infantry support weapon — An infantry support weapon is a weapon system that requires a crew of more than one individuals to operate at optimum efficiency due to its operational complexity such as requiring one person to load while another fires. However, infantry support … Wikipedia